Monday, May 16, 2011

Your Mustache is Weird...

Remember Jaimee? She's my fabulous cousin and she's graduating! For her party, I wanted to create some fun props for her guests to pose for pictures with. Of course, what's more fun than a mustache?! Below is a tutorial on how to make a mustache photo prop...

Step 1: Download, print, and cut your mustache templates.

Step 2: Trace your mustache templates onto sturdy felt. I had to use chalk because I chose to use a dark brown felt.

Step 3: Cut out your felt mustaches.

Step 4: Use a hot glue gun to adhere wooden dowel rods to your felt mustaches. I tried to alternate gluing on the left and right sides just in case people have preferences... or are on certain sides of the picture.

Step 5: Find a home for your mustaches... I chose to use a glass Kerr jar to hold my mustaches. For the party, I'll add ribbon to match the theme.

And viola! I must say, I look rather handsome...

Or rather dorky, either way. Happy crafting!


  1. Very cute I think I will take this idea and use it in my classroom. My students will love reading the room with these stashes. :)

    Ms. M
    Ms.M's Blog
    A Teacher's Plan

  2. I love this idea for a party! It is so whimsical and utterly cute. I'm thinking it would be great with a photo booth at home. Must try it. Thanks for the tutorial.


  3. I love this! Is it weird that I just want a jar of mustaches for the heck of it?
